Monday, April 10, 2006

Positioning of vending machine

The products sold through Antares vending machines depend on its location.For example, sell of alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, or breezers through vending machines can be allowed in certain locations, while other areas can not allow it e.g educational institutes, hospitals, etc. At certain places cigarettes and cigars are commonly sold through these machines, but there are concerns about underaged buyers. Sometimes a pass has to be inserted in the machine to prove one's age. Cigarette machines are rare in such areas. The location where one sets up the vending machine plays a major role for good sales. Some of the best locations include: at the entrance, near the exit, next to a water fountain, in front of restroom, at the reception, next to the cash register, by the coffee maker, next to the other vending machines, next to the music store, next to the change machine, in the waiting area such as at gas stations or where there are long queues.


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