Monday, August 28, 2006

The Most Common Mistakes Made by Operators

The most common mistakes that operators make are usually at the beginning of their vending career. These mistakes can be avoided. Below are some common mistakes that are made by operators.

1) Buying into blue sky scams

Blue sky swindlers will promise you that your vending business will allow you to make money while you sleep. The potential operators would simply accept these promises without carrying out any research. Antares Corporation would provide you all the necessary information regarding vending. In this way you will avoid the scams you that are quite common in the vending industry.

2) Lack of accounting knowledge

Lack of accounting knowledge is one of the biggest causes of small business failure. You can’t get from point A to point B without a basic understanding of the accounting process. You will be required to evaluate and implement decisions that will impact profits in your vending business.

3) Under Capitalization

You will need to accumulate enough capital for your Antares business, up front, to support a conservative growth rate. The operator can start the business as a part time business, until the route gets established.

4) Trading away their advantage

Vending is an attractive business because the operator can operate the business with low overhead costs. As a result of this operators tend to think that they afford to offer lower selling prices and higher commissions. The operator can afford to do all these things only if the business has grown to the point where it requires more help. When the operator hires the first employee, the business has to be profitable enough to support the owner/operator and the employee. Don’t trade away your advantage in your Antares business by lowering your prices as soon as you start the business.

5) Using low capacity equipment

Many operators purchase small vending machines to save money. These machines usually have low capacity. These machines have low capacity, which means that they will need frequent refilling. It is always advisable to go for large capacity vending machine like those provided by Antares corporation.

6) Ignoring reinvestment requirements

Operators usually invest thousands of dollars to buy new equipment for a new location. When they do this they tend to take their existing locations for granted. They fail to realize that they have to periodically upgrade their better locations to keep them current. As an Antares operator you need to take care of this, so that you do not suffer the loss of a major location.


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