Friday, September 01, 2006

Currency Handling Technologies in Vending Machines

New currency payment systems have more features to eliminate ‘exact change only’ situations. Some can even recycle bills which allows for multi vending. As currency handling technology evolves, vending operators are finding new tools to offer customers more convenient payment options.

Antares vending operators have found that giving consumers the ability to use whatever change they have on them, increases sales. These can be dimes or a twenty dollar bill.

Technology is enhancing the versatility, reliability and durability of bill acceptors and changers in Antares vending machines. There are some benefits that come with this technology, such as, reduction of consumer price resistance and at the same time wider variety of price points in the machine. This is very important for Antares vending machines because they carry product variety.

Dollar coin payout expands

Most bill acceptors accept denominations over one dollar and most pay out coins as change. A five dollar bill acceptance is a customer convenience that will help sales in your Antares business. Consumers are now getting used to putting five dollar bills in vending machines.

Fewer bill changers needed

Many Antares operators feel that higher bill denomination makes cash counting easier, since there are fewer bills to count and stack. This is all thanks to the increased capacity of the new coin changers.

Five dollar bills increase bill sorting

Five dollar bill acceptance does create the need to sort 1s and 5s. This can be easily overcome with a dual pocket coin sorter. While consumers have gotten into the habit of carrying dollar coins in their pockets, Antares operators nonetheless find it worth their while to offer dollar coin payouts to support higher denomination bill acceptance. This has created a need to continually replenish coin changers with dollar coins. Antares operators have also noted that they are carrying fewer coins to the bank than they used to.

All in all operators have given mixed reviews on how much the dollar coins are circulating back into the machines. Most also agree that consumers are spending more than they initially did.


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