Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Currency Payment Systems

Antares operators have given mixed reviews on how much the dollar coins are circulating back into the machines. The one thing that they have all agreed on is that consumers are spending more dollar coins than they initially did. Some have even stated that it usually takes a few months to start seeing the dollar coins come back when you have introduced a 5 dollar bill acceptance to a location.

Counterfeit coin detection improves

The Antares vending machines have a mechanism that can detect counterfeit coins. There have been cases where quarters have been pressed together to expand in size so that they can be used as dollar coins. The Antares vending machines can detect such problems.

Validators versus Changers

The cost of adding a bill acceptor to a vending machine will not be much different then simply placing a small bill changer. Antares vending machine comes with a bill changer that is usually mounted on the side of the vending machine.

Many operators still find bill changers more economical for larger locations. It is more economical to have one changer than to have a bill acceptor on every vending machine.

Antares operators will need to invest in bill Validators if they want them installed, but they will still need to make upgrades every time a new currency design is introduced.

Enhanced Par Level Management

The 5 tube MEI Cashflow Series 7000 automatically manages coin levels in the changer to optimize payout and advises the driver of par values and optimum change configurations.

Another feature in this system is “change override.” If a customer puts in a dollar for a 7 cent product and the Antares machine is low on nickels and high on dimes, it will pay out three dimes rather than a quarter and a nickel. The Antares operator has the potion of disabling this feature, if he chooses not to use it anymore.

Operators have more validator and changer options available today, with more on the way, so they need to keep abreast of new capabilities of currency payment systems to maximize sales.


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