Thursday, September 07, 2006

Promotions Work Great in Vending

Branded products are now dominant, so Antares vendors must cash in on supplier advertising. We live in a world of sales promotions. From a free toy in the bottom of a Cracker Jack box to beanie baby giveaways at ballparks. Promotions are used extensively and effectively to increase customer awareness, boost sales and edge out the competition.

The retail restaurant chain, a competitor of the Antares vending operator, has been using sales promotions effectively for years. The vending industry has already incorporated these ideas into its business landscape in some unusual, inventive and surprising ways.

Product bundling works

This sales promotion technique has recently been used by some Antares vending operations. The idea for this promotion is simple and effective. Similar to a “value meal,” the vending operator can place a sandwich and a bag of chips together in one shelf and sell them at a value based price. Antares vending operators have found various levels of usefulness and success using this promotion.

Vendors must plan like other retailers

For many operators, product bundling is not currently being utilized, but it will become part of their marketing plan in the near future. Vendors must have a plan.

Bundling to reduce shortages

Some vendors who have utilized product bundling have found success, but not as they expected. This type of program can be an effective tool to reduce shortages. You can find success in your Antares business by using bundling to sell items that are nearing their expiration date.

Product handling can be an effective tool when put in place in an organized and planned manner. The long term success will depend on the commitment of the Antares and their route drivers to use this type of promotion and pricing strategy.

The vending industry, being customer satisfaction oriented, would seem to be fertile ground for fun, unique and successful promotional programs. Antares vending operators are using effective promotional ideas. Some spend a fair amount of money on their promotions while others make do with inexpensive items such as t-shirts and hats.


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