Tuesday, February 06, 2007

'Better for You' Snack Selections in Vending

Studies have shown that vending machines stocked with ‘better for you’ products draw a wider base of customers, when properly merchandised. The demand for healthy food and snack options has risen and fallen throughout the years, due to shifting of consumer focus towards healthy foods.

Offering a healthy option in your Planet Antares vending machine can turn out to be profitable for you if you choose the right products for the right location. There are some operators that have stocked healthier alternatives in their vending machines at the request of clients, only to generate less than robust turns. This does not mean that the same thing will happen to you, you can easily be like others who have found a niche for healthy options, which can result in substantial incremental sales for your Planet Antares vending business.

Many operators have agreed that the percentage of overall sales in the “better-for-you” alternatives is always rather small and that it’s their conventional high-fat, sugar rich products that consumers actually buy. This is why it is very important that you choose the right kind of location to vend healthy products.

‘Better for you’ products are a must in food and snack vending machines. The quantity of these healthier alternatives is what you will have to decide on. If you are a Planet Antares vending operator who believes that healthy lifestyles are here to stay, you can place healthier options in your vending machines, because this will not only benefit the consumer, but you as well.

Healthy options in your vending business can also be done in small scale. You don’t have to place only healthy options in your vending machines, because you can never be to sure about what kind of response you will receive from the customers. Try placing a “healthy” column in your Planet Antares vending machine that is dedicated to low fat alternatives such as pretzels, granola bars and cereal bars. These products are known to be strong sellers. Depending on the locations response, you can continue maintaining the column or you can even add more columns.

Despite the fact that healthier products are more costly than regular products, health conscious people are always willing to spend more to buy the products, because they know the reason why they are buying the products.


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