Saturday, October 14, 2006

Promotions that Work in Vending

Facing a struggling economy, Antares vending operators are utilizing any resource they can find to try to motivate drivers and create excitement at the vending bank. A promotion that works does so for more than one party. It pleases the end customer or, depending on the situation, the route driver. It also puts new gloss on the Antares vending operator.

Successful promotions range from the most homespun projects generated by the local operator all the way to games and contests involving a whole continent of competing coupon-or box top- mailings to consumers or route drivers.

Promotions that don’t work don’t appeal to the end winner, or the vending operator, or don’t even work for the manufacturer.

Customers love specials

You can offer something special to the customer once in while, because this is something that they love. Depending on the size of your vending operation, you can easily decide what specials to offer the customer. It just has to be something significant that will appeal to the customer.

Employers like incentives

Promotions have really picked up over the past years. There are more promotions now than before. Business owners want to keep their employees happy, so they come up with every kind of program. Many Antares vending operators use planograms systems in coordination with manufacturer promotions, to regularly purge slow sellers.

How much do you empower drivers?

You need to be careful about driver promotions, because the driver should not be the arbiter of what goes into the machines. As far as route promotions for your Antares business are concerned, you should make it easier for them in addition to less paperwork. If you complicate things, the route drivers will loose motivation. In-house promotions work best for the route drivers. Route drivers are motivated by cash. You can try all sorts of promotions because anything that promotes high standards in route driver honesty and exactitude is worth the outlay.

The vending industry has worked hard at creating excitement for the customer, but it has also worked at making vending fun for route drivers as well.


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