Saturday, September 16, 2006

Opinion Research can be a Competitive Advantage

All vending operators at some point of time would want to know what their customers like best about the services that they are providing. As an Antares operator you will need to know specifically what you can do to keep your customers happy. By doing this your customers should be able to recommend you over one of your competitors.

Information is power, but it is good information that leads to good decisions. You will need to know a few details from your customers, such as how likely are they to stay with you in the future or what they think about a new service idea or a product that you are considering for your Antares operations. Some of this information may be readily available, but some of it lies hidden in the form of people’s opinion. Opinion research is often the only way to uncover this kind of information.

Competitive advantage

Research can help you identify opportunities for a competitive advantage and also helps you to avoid potential pitfalls. Engaging customers through research lets you test the impact of decisions before you actually make them. Before you spend a lot of money to introduce a new product, service or develop a new strategy for your Antares operations, you can see what the reaction from your key customers will be first.

Research is the critical tool that lets you listen to the most important people in your business- your customers. The success of your Antares business will depend on how well you listen and respond and how you will react in the marketplace. They might include the general public, current or former customers, potential customers, employees and other businesses. These groups are vital to your success, researching their opinions should be very important to you.

Principles of good survey questions

  1. Questions should ask about first hand experiences or perceptions.
  2. Questions should focus on one subject at a time.
  3. Questions should use words that ensure all respondents will answer the same questions.


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