Customized Machine Fronts and Area Treatments
An improvement in printing technology has offered new options for vending operators who are looking to dress up their machine fronts. These options expand for enhancing the entire vending area as well.
Take a look at the break area where your Antares vending machine is placed. Does it look presentable? If it doesn’t, then it will all be up to you to make it colorful, inviting and sometimes even entertaining. People working in that office have to visit the break room everyday, so you need to find a way to hook these customers to your Antares vending machine.
Your Antares vending machines can also have character in addition to their attractive looks.
Design process
Specialists are taking advantage of new graphic design processes to enhance the aesthetic appeal of employee break areas. Vending machines in particular are beginning to come alive. You as an Antares vending operator can decide to use their services for your business.
In 1998 Automatic Merchandiser noted that Canteen Vending Service’s Market Central marked a new beginning for vending. The series of machine design concepts were nothing but revolutionary. The colorful designs were made of polycarbonate that fit over the top of the machines. Panel headers, including signs cut into decorative shapes, gave added visual effect.
Today, the design movement is gaining momentum as more and more operators recognize the need to dress up their machines, along with the machine environments.
Antares vending operators must keep in mind that by using customized door fronts, signage, customized floor mats and other customer unique offerings, that they can change the view of their service from a commoditized service to a premium service.
Today more operators are aware of the importance of aesthetics. Competition is now pushing the envelope, and the new graphic design technologies are bringing more products to the market.